2Q22 Earnings Season Tracking – Update 26 Jul, 2022
Strategy Note 26/07/2022 626
Dear investors,
Following the previous email of earnings season tracking, we would like to update the real-time results announcement over three bourses HSX, HNX and UPCOM.
As at 26 Jul 2022, 590 listed companies, representing 34.2% of the total listed stocks and 28.3% of market capitalisation, have released 2Q22 results. At this point of time, aggregate revenue and earnings of listed companies that have been reporting results grew positively 25.3% yoy and 17.9% yoy in 2Q22, respectively. 2Q22 market earnings growth was estimated lower than previous report as HPG announced a sharp drop of 58.7% yoy in 2Q22 earnings.