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ETF Monitor – POW is expected to be added to the FTSE Vietnam Index and the MVIS Index

Strategy Note 29/05/2019    637


  • FTSE Vietnam ETF (FTSE ETF) will announce the results of a rebalancing of the FTSE Vietnam Index on 7 Jun 2019 while VanEck Vectors Vietnam ETF (V.N.M ETF) will publish the conclusion of a review of the MVIS Vietnam Index (*) on 14 Jun 2019. Following this, the FTSE ETF and the V.N.M ETF, which track the FTSE Vietnam Index and the MVIS Vietnam Index, respectively, and have a combined net asset value of US$718.6m, would require some trades to rebalance the weight of stocks in these portfolios to match the newly structured FTSE Vietnam Index and MVIS Vietnam Index.

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